
Towards X Futures

Information Systems and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

We are dedicated to exploring the potential for sustainable futures through digital innovation (x futures).

Digital technology plays a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable society. We still have much to learn about the interplay between digital technology and sustainable transformation.

With a focus on the socio-economic aspects of digital ecosystems, we gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between digital innovators and entrepreneurs, data, and knowledge as drivers of change. We guide individuals and organizations in positioning themselves for  "x futures".

Join us on our journey Towards X Futures.

 Mon, 06. May. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Offene Position: "Abteilungs-Assistent:in (w/m/d, EG9a)

Fakultät für Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Abteilungs-Assistent:in (w/m/d, Nr. 204-24), EG 9a TV-L
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 Tue, 30. Apr. 2024   Savostina, Anna

Master's project from Business Informatics goes Startup Olympics!

participants and the jury of Startup Olympics cheering
Startup Olympics © Claudia Anders, EWG
Presenting your own idea, recruiting other people as part of a team and working together on the idea, questioning assumptions and constantly exploring whether the idea is even interesting in this form for the targeted stakeholders...
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 Thu, 25. Apr. 2024   Savostina, Anna

To prospective students for the Master’s Innopreneurship

Dear prospective students,  We are delighted that you are interested in the Master's in Innopreneurship. The master’s programme has always been very successful, but unfortunately had to be discontinued in its original form....
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 Tue, 09. Apr. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Open research aid (WHK) positions (f/d/m) at SUST Chair & Place Beyond Bytes

We are looking for a research aid (d/f/m) at the Place Beyond Bytes in Duisburg-Ruhrort or SUST Chair in Essen (Weststadttürme) These tasks are to be expected: Support the organisation and application of the new degree...
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 Mon, 04. Mar. 2024   Savostina, Anna

Exploring the Nexus of Art and Data Science: Sudesh Prasad's Art Exhibition at Place Beyond Bytes

Place Beyond Bytes, University of Duisburg-Essen’s co-creation lab for data-based impact ventures invites artists, technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, scientists, and citizens to discuss with us how data produces sustainable...
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 Tue, 21. Mar. 2023   Rothe, Hannes

Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms

New publication in Information Systems Research
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